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Lets connect, network and socialize while advancing Global Health at the University of Oxford

Female Student with Laptop


The Story Behind Our Society

It all started with a group of friends with a common passion for global health who decided to establish a platform for all students at the University of Oxford to connect, network and engage in academic and social activities focused on advancing global health. They put their vision into action, got other students of similar passion and formally registered the Oxford Global Health Society with the University of Oxford as an affiliate of the Oxford University Students Union. It wasn’t long after that the registration was approved and Oxford Global Health Society was “officially” born.

Founded and based at the University of Oxford, our Society is a devoted community made up of enthusiastic individuals who enjoy sharing ideas and activities. Membership of the Oxford Global Health Society is open to students from all College and Departments at the University of Oxford.


If you are as student at the University of Oxford and have a passion for global health, you are invited to join our society and get involved in our activities and events so that you can enhance your student experience and connect with emerging Global Health Leaders studying at the University of Oxford. 


You’re welcome to browse our site to learn more, and if what we’re doing resonates with you, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

College Friends


Advancing Global Health Programming and Leadership

As a Global Health Students Society, we organize events and activities that are perfect for students who are passionate about global health. From presentations on the latest research, to conferences with leading experts in the field, to picnics and debates, our events bring students together to learn and engage with one another. Join us for our formal dinners where we celebrate our achievements and connect with each other. We also organize global health trips to renowned global health institutions and organizations within and outside the United Kingdom.

Image by chan lee
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